Malta Temple Journeys
BOOKS: All books are now available in PDF format for online Reader directly from the author. Click on the book's title for direct link to the publishers.

Islands of Dream - The Temples of Malta – Hidden Secrets Revealed
Islands of Dream delves into the magic and secrets of the Maltese Prehistoric Temples.  These mysterious structures sat there in isolated silence for many centuries. Finally the secrets of these incredible prehistoric sites of Malta and Gozo are uncovered.
   This novelogue recounts the meeting of a local couple with a foreigner in a series of fictitious dialogues and exchange of views about the prehistoric sites. Many of the ideas discussed question current theories about the Temples. Some of these will be the subject of disbelief, arguments and disagreement by many, but they will resonate with many others. This may be the first book that looks at these sites from a holistic perspective. The book is intended to challenge conventional outlook and fixed theories about the Temples. Fortunately, today many people are asking for the truth to be known, ready to rediscover old beliefs, explore new territories, accept new thoughts and welcome new realities. These unique temples, with their encoded secrets, might have the key to humanity’s ancient past. 
Here are the links where one can purchase the book: 
Hardcopies: BDL-Malta: Click here.  Click here
eBooks: Smashwords: Click here. Amazon: Click Here. 
Check Apple's iBookstore, Nobo, Kobo and all the online bookshops.

The novel is now translated in Italian and in Dutch (eBook & PDF).
"Translating a novel is an art because the novelist is an artist. 
Translating your 'Islands of Dream' appears to be a highly sensitive art-form." 
(Jacques Visker - Dutch translator)                   For the Dutch version check Kobo. Italian on Kobo
Artistic Creations/Publications:
The Age of Magic and Wisdom - Humankind's Evolutionary Journey & the Maltese Temples

Humanity had forgotten its own past but now is awakening from the deep slumber of the ages. It is finally becoming more receptive and accepting of its roots, hungry to learn the amazing story of its origins and development, and eager to move forward into a new reality. This novel helps us understand the long evolutionary journey of humankind on Earth. It is the second in a trilogy. 
   We discuss the epic of creation, the Council of Gods, Lemurian and Atlantean civilisations, the special mission of Atlantis, the internal conflicts that led to the demise of Atlantis, Thoth—the Master of the Egyptians—the building of the pyramids, and the important role of Malta and its temples.
   This second novel brings to light the forgotten history of mankind. It reveals new insights about the Maltese sacred sites and their important role at the threshold of the New Golden Era. 

A Cosmic Perspective to the Maltese Temples 
An Alternative Handbook and Guide. (New title-New Cover)
   Malta is unique with all its above ground, subterranean and underwater temples. Malta, in a way, is a ‘living museum.’ For the first time we have a ‘handbook’ that gives us a metaphysical and alternative view of these singular prehistoric stone structures.
   Humanity has now reached the stage where it is open, eager and hungry enough for the ‘truth.’ We are now ready to shed the belief systems of contemporary thought and self-declared expert historians and see the temples in a different light. 
   The handbook was written in the spirit of fostering a thought-provoking dialogue and discussion. I am confident that this ‘alternative perspective’ will generate a different perception about the Maltese sacred sites, and that it will both intrigue you and entice you to visit them with a more open viewpoint. See it as a ‘Virtual GPS’ to guide you on your journey and to be your companion as you discover these powerful energies thus making the experience your own. It will be a trigger to unlock the hidden codes within you.
Author's Note: I felt it is time to reverse the title of the Handbook from ‘An Alternative Handbook’ to ‘A Cosmic Perspective’ to the Maltese Temples. Bringing the word 'Cosmic' into the equation shows the true vibration of the temples to who built them and for what purpose.
(Hardcopy of 1st edition available by request from BDL: [email protected] and from main bookshops on Malta.  The 3rd edition new title and new cover is available in eBook format from Smashwords and from the author directly. Soon it will available as an Audio-book!
Lemurian -- Atlantean Sacred Symbols
The eBooks replace the Sacred Cards.  Click the link on the Title of the books. The eBooks are available from Smashwords, Amazon, Kobo and other online bookshops. You can order the PDF format from the Authors. 
To order go on:
So place your order through Paypal and 
email us your choice of PDF Book/s.

   Francis started painting late in his life as a past-time and a way of self-expression when he was living in Brighton, England. He draws his inspiration from his Maltese background and his experience in South America. He likes the classic painters, especially Raffaello and Botticelli, but his favourite artists are Klimt and Vermeer, whom with their form, colour and texture gave him a lot of inspiration, and the experience of Peru, became later the subject matter of his paintings. Yet, his greatest teacher was to be Mother Nature. When he returned to Malta, he started to express in his paintings the rich cultural heritage of his native land. He had various exhibitions around in England, in Canada and in Malta. He draws his inspiration from his Maltese background and his living experience in South America and England. Here are collages of the collection: 
The Maltese Temples in Painting & Poetry: The book is a collection of paintings and poetry that captures the flavour and the energies of the Maltese prehistoric temples in a feast of verse and colour. It is a collaborative project of the collection of 14 paintings by Francis Xavier Aloisio depicting Malta’s Prehistoric Heritage of the Temples with a corresponding poem by Erika Brincat expressing the mystery, magic and spiritual essence of each Temple in verse. (Available in eBook format from Smashwords & all online bookshops.

Maltese Collection
Prehistoric Temples of Malta
English Collection
Peruvian Collection
If you feel the call to visit the sites found in Cambria or Malta, you will experience first-hand the awesome monuments and sacred-points of these ancient civilisations. Those who cannot physically visit these sites, have now the opportunity to connect with and tune in to these sacred and powerful energy sites through the Magic of these Sacred Symbols.
All Material, Text, Paintings, Maps, Copyright by Francis Xavier Aloisio - All Rights Reserved
In Malta, the Novels can be purchased from any bookshop and from BDL Ltd. Malta (Distributor) - [email protected] or from the author directly. Overseas, the second edition of Islands of Dream, The Age of Magic and Wisdom and The New Temple Dreamers are available from Booklocker, Smashwords, Kobo & Amazon and other on-line bookshops as hard-copies, in PDF and in eBook format. 
Warning: Reading these 3 Novels and the Alternative Handbooks can seriously damage 
your belief system...or it can stir old forgotten memories!
Third Novel: The New Temple Dreamers  
The Indigos, Crystals, Rainbow and Diamond Children are the New Temple Dreamers. Ranfis brings the children into a fanciful world of magic and folktales. The story he weaves bring us into the time during the end of the temple building period on Malta and leads us through the post-Atlantis era, when new settlers and new civilisations arrived on these newly formed islands. We listen to the stories and myths from Malta after Atlantis. He also narrates the various festivals and celebrations that these new people held during the year and their many rituals and ceremonies.
   Although the novel is dedicated also to all of us, who are ‘young in heart,’ as it appeals to the ‘child within.’ It’s time that we remember who ‘we truly are’ - Spiritual Beings of Light in garments of human flesh. We all chose to incarnate at this point in humanity’s evolution so that we could assist in the process of awakening. We are witnessing a period of tremendous growth and the birth of the greatest period of abundance, beauty, love, truth, justice and peace ever known on Earth.
Available from leading bookshops on Malta and from BDL - Malta, from the author as PDF, and from Smashwords and Amazon in ebook format. 

​What a Trip! is a self-reflective autobiography whereby I dare to write on such a personal subject and in such an open manner about sexuality and spirituality. I share my journey on the long road towards inner happiness and emotional maturity. My story/trip is also your own story and personal journey towards fulfilment and realisation of self. The book is dedicated to all my Mothers: My Natural Mother-Maria Rosaria, My Motherland-Malta-Sacred & Mystic and Mother Church–Holy & Roman.

The Islands of Dream Speak must be the first book to have all the different schools of thought and disciplines coming together under one roof. Reading all the diverse views and theories, and the varied testimonials and insights of those who came to experience the sites, give us a different perspective to the mysterious temples of Malta and will open our understanding to the mystery and the real purpose of the temples that we can tap into their silent wisdom. I feel that experiencing the temples from all these various aspects will open our understanding to the mystery of the temples so we can tap into the real wisdom of the temples. 
   This ‘compilation’ of words and experiences found in this book is a fascinating ‘jigsaw puzzle’ about the prehistoric temples. It is the witness of something that is beyond ordinary science, as it is the science of the soul. The book is an interesting, mysterious, intriguing and insightful written journey into the mysterious of these temples on these islands – the temples of the Stars and the Sun.
    Now, it is up to the reader to hear them telling their own story! I ‘let the stones speak’ as Sir Temi Zammit, Malta’s leading archaeologists, suggested, and The Islands of Dream Spoke ‘for themselves.’

Malta Through the Ages: This booklet is an overall experience of the embodiment of all that is Maltese, depicted through beautiful imagery and creative symbolism. My paintings combined with the expressive prose of J.S. Abela provide an overview picture of the history, culture, and customs of Malta and its people. We have in fact an art exhibition in book-form that gives us an ‘Experience of Malta through the Ages.’
In this ‘second’ autobiography Coming to Light! the author takes us through his journey to creativity. He shares with the readers how he uncovered his inner talents of music, painting and writing later on in his life and how he managed to bring them to light and subsequently expressed in creative projects. It was a trip full of wondrous possibilities and incredible probabilities, filled with exciting surprises and gifted with miracles and synchronicities.
NEW PUBLICATIONS: A SPOTLIGHT TOUR OF…series on the Major Temple sites of Malta/Gozo
I give the visitors a personal guided-tour to the major sites on Malta/Gozo from an alternative and metaphysical perspective. 
Come with me on these unique tours of these mysterious sites. Click on the name of the Temples for direct link!

Commentary & Conversation: Francis never thought or dreamt that he would ever write a book. Yet, he managed to publish several books on the temples of Malta from an ‘alternative perspective’ and written two autobiographies. Here in this booklet he brings together all the commentaries, remarks, thoughts, notes and conversation of readers.

Hardcopy available by request from BDL
The Hidden and Forgotten Temples of Malta. A new book to complement the two handbooks A Cosmic Perspective and Sacred Symbols.
The Hidden & Forgotten Temples of Malta: This eBook is written for those that are intrigued by the mysterious and lesser-known and forgotten sites on Malta. What is special and unique about this book are the ‘coordinates’ of each temple site which serve as a tool for the visitors’ GPS. It will help them to have a meaningful experience of their visit to these sacred temples.
See the page 'ABOUT' for more details about our Joint-venture eBook: What a Ride! - Navigating Lifetimes and Portals Together.
*The Land of Sacred Sites - a Set of 8 Postcards (paintings) depicting Malta’s Prehistoric Heritage of the Temples, encapsulating all the important features of each particular site. These paintings are unique for their content, colour and expression. 
*SHADES OF MALTA: A set of 8 postcards  (ink etchings) depicting seascapes and landscapes of Malta.
To Order: Go on  and place your order through PayPal.
Looking Between the Cracks: In this eBook, the author homes in on some curiosities, discoveries, observations and insights about the mysterious temples on Malta and Gozo. These ‘curiosities’ are normally overlooked or even ignored by historians and archaeologists, and many times they are not even included in the official tourists’ guidebooks or found in any conventional book. The author adds his personal observations as well as including relevant photos to enhance the experience of these gems of curiosities and insights!