Malta Temple Journeys
News / Calendar / Activities

Copyright by Francis Xavier Aloisio - All Rights Reserved
I encourage people to do their own ‘self-guided journeys/visits’ to the temples. The guidebooks A Cosmic Perspective, Hidden & Forgotten, Sacred Symbols, and Looking between the Cracks were written with this aim. They can be your  Virtual GPS to guide you on your journey of discovery and to connect you with the energies of the temples. Still, we will be happy to start your journey with a small informative presentation/overview/talk about these sacred and direct you how to experience these mysterious sites.
The book The Crystal City of Atlantis was launched at a special conference held in May 2018. "This timely and momentous book launches us into the discovery of an Atlantean Crystal City under the Island of Malta. It also follows the spiritual journey of the author through her life experiences and how she found a very special valley on that unique island."
​   The book is available from Book Distributor-San Gwann-BDL and at the main bookshops on Malta & from the Author: 
email: [email protected] - Available also as eBook from Smashwords and Amazon. 
   Now, all books can be sent in PDF format - Contact us for price and shipping details.
Energised Crystals from Ashua.ra.ta.ra - the Crystal City of Atlantis!                  


*2021 was an Essential Phase of our Time of Preparation for the Big Shift of the Ages. It was a year of massive disclosures, many surprises, and outer transformation; a 'Bridge Year.' Now, we are on the Cusp of Great Change and Self-Revelation. In the CHINESE ZODIAC it is the year of the WATER TIGER - a symbol of strength, exorcising evils, and braveness. The year 2022 vibrates at the frequency of 6 which represents Heaven on Earth.
*2022 will Herald in the beginning of a NEW ERA OF CONSCIOUSNESS for us and the planet. It is the Year of THE RETURN. In this year, we will be crossing the threshold into The New Earth. We are precisely at this ‘Split’ between worlds. The sacred sites and portals of Malta, and those all over the world, are now holding vibrational mirrors of the higher consciousness essence in readiness for the ‘Split.’ These sacred spaces will continue to build in vibrational patterns mirroring the powerful light reflections, expanding in momentum throughout the planet leading into the time of the ‘Split.’ These frequencies are forming a spiralling crescendo of light which will eventually explode and form a brilliant wave of consciousness at the time of the Split, as the energetic moment of 2022 unfolds. Basically, 2022 is going to be a busy year because everything is going to be new, and everyone is curious about it. We are being prepared to re-programme to a new frequency and a new cycle. 
*SOLSTICES/EQUINOXES: 20th March: Spring/Vernal Equinox; 21st June: Summer Solstice; 25/6 July: Galactic New Year; 22nd September: Autumn Equinox; 21st December: Winter Solstice.
*ECLIPSES: Partial Solar Eclipse in Taurus – April 30th; Total Lunar eclipse in Scorpio – May 16th; Partial Solar Eclipse in Scorpio – Oct 25th; Total Lunar Eclipse in Taurus – Nov 8th.

​Quotes by Ranfis from Islands of Dream: "There is something compelling about these structures; something mysterious in the stones; they fill you with awe and generate in you a humble reverence. The temples embody in them the history of humanity: past, present and future. The temples are the material and silent witnesses of the past and Malta is an open book that narrates and tells the whole history of the human race." 
Interview with Gary and Elyn on Malta and the book Islands of Dream
Blog Article - Pilgrimage to Malta by Elyn Aviva
Documentary on the Temples of Malta & Their Connection To Atlantis.
A First on Malta!
This documentary is a ‘First’ in many ways: the 1st Maltese documentary on the Temples based on the books of the Maltese author, Francis Xavier Aloisio; filmed by a Maltese director and producer Ed Hamilton of Sprout Media and accompanied by music of a Maltese musician & composer Mario Sammut of Cygna and filmed entirely on Maltese soil.

This is the ‘digital tool kit’ you need to have when visiting the sacred sites of Malta: 
The 4 handbooks: ‘The Cosmic Perspective;’ ‘Sacred Symbols;’ ‘The Hidden & Forgotten’ and ‘Looking between the Cracks.’ 
Link to all the books!

Interview by K. Gallespie for Deconstructing Sentience on 
'What about Malta? See my Facebook page.